Artist : 滝口成美
Release Date : 2015.02.25
Narumi Takiguchi - Geki-Teki Evolution
内容紹介 :
I start music activity in April, 2010, and Narumi Takiguchi who is active as a model talent releases "GEKI-TEKI EVOLUTION" single than an Imperial record on February 25, and a measure makes its debut. In addition, Takiguchi is a really passionate idol to handle the live of approximately 400 a year.
In "GEKI-TEKI EVOLUTION," Ito feeling Taro who composed "the fortune cookie which is in love" provides a musical piece. It is one piece that is upper letting you feel a strong feeling to promise a forward change to. The single was released with TYPE A, B, 3 forms of C, and this artwork was shown today, too.
In addition, this release memory event is held in Ikebukuro sunshine city in ラゾーナ Kawasaki on February 25 on February 21. I want to pay attention in the future of Narumi Takiguchi singing the musical piece of various genres while performing the live that strength and heat are full of energetically.
2. 君と私の最高の物語
3. 涙は7色に光る
4. 世界で一番幸せなんです!わたしは